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TIWjQDBGrid changing UI
I have this issue wich I think is a bug.
I have a simple form in Bootstrap 3 and all is ok until I add a TIWjQDBGrid component on it.
As can be seen on the attached images, img01 is correct like it should, but img02 is not. The buttons are not flat as img01. 
They are kind of with some elevation.

Anyone with this?

Ok, if I change TIWjQDBGrid.UI from uiBootstrap (default) to uiJQuery, everything works as it should.
Is this normal behaviour?

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
And How can I change the language of the grid's pager from English to what ever I want?
> Ok, if I change TIWjQDBGrid.UI from uiBootstrap (default) to uiJQuery, everything works as it should.
> Is this normal behaviour?

I believe that this is caused by conflicting Bootstrap themes (CSS) associated with the grid and the bootstrap theme.

Are you using std Boostrap theme or some custom Bootstrap based template? If so, can you please provide a working test case so I can check the CSS files being used?
(07-19-2021, 07:31 AM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: > Ok, if I change TIWjQDBGrid.UI from uiBootstrap (default) to uiJQuery, everything works as it should.
> Is this normal behaviour?

I believe that this is caused by conflicting Bootstrap themes (CSS) associated with the grid and the bootstrap theme.

Are you using std Boostrap theme or some custom Bootstrap based template? If so, can you please provide a working test case so I can check the CSS files being used?

Standard Bootstrap.
I'll update the jQGrid CSS files to the same version as IWBootstrap 3 (3.4.1) used in IW and see if it fixes it.

Are you using local CSS files for your bootstrap application or any CDN?
Please try IW 15.2.33 (just released). We are now using the same files for both IWBootstrap and IWjQGrid, so there should be no conflicts.

Please let me know how it goes.
(07-25-2021, 06:02 AM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: Please try IW 15.2.33 (just released). We are now using the same files for both IWBootstrap and IWjQGrid, so there should be no conflicts.

Please let me know how it goes.

No, the same. After open a form with a TIWjQDBGrid component with UI property set to uiBootstrap, all the button will change their appearence.

If I even open a modal form with a TIWjQDBGrid and than close it, the parent form will change the button appearence, without doing nothing.

(07-25-2021, 12:00 AM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: I'll update the jQGrid CSS files to the same version as IWBootstrap 3 (3.4.1) used in IW and see if it fixes it.

Are you using local CSS files for your bootstrap application or any CDN?


I'm loading bootstrap files from

That's what I'm loading:

  // Carregamento das livrarias do Bootstrap
  gIWBSLibJQueryJs := '';

  gIWBSLibBootstrapCss := '';
  gIWBSLibBootstrapJs := '';

  gIWBSLibIWBSCss := '';
  gIWBSLibIWBSJs := '';

  gIWBSLibPolyFillerJs := '';

  gIWBSLibDynamicTabsCss := '';
  gIWBSLibDynamicTabsJs := '';

  gIWBSLibSummerNoteCss := '';
  gIWBSLibSummerNoteJs := '';

  // FIM - Carregamento das livrarias do Bootstrap

Should I use any other locations?

Change it like this:

  gIWBSLibJQueryJs := '';

  gIWBSLibBootstrapCss := '';
  gIWBSLibBootstrapJs := '';

  gIWBSLibPolyFillerJs :=  '';

  gIWBSLibIWBSCss :=        '';
  gIWBSLibIWBSJs :=        '';

  gIWBSLibDynamicTabsCss := '';
  gIWBSLibDynamicTabsJs :=  '';

  gIWBSLibSummerNoteCss :=  '';
  gIWBSLibSummerNoteJs :=  '';

(07-25-2021, 06:02 AM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: Please try IW 15.2.33 (just released). We are now using the same files for both IWBootstrap and IWjQGrid, so there should be no conflicts.

Please let me know how it goes.

UPDATE: If TIWjQDBGrid.RenderCDNFiles to Flase, everything works ok with the appearence but the grid doesn't do the goAutoGridWidth neither goAutoColumnWidth of the Options property.

UPDATE1: Well, it was happen this way because I add it on an invisible TIWBSRegion. Had to set it to True and all is ok this way.

UPDATE2: Well, this is kind of a mess. If I set TIWjQDBGrid.RenderCDNFiles to Flase on a modal form, the grid doesn't show at all. Messy!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you using local files?

If so, your files are outdated. Delete them and use CDN files, or download the same files pointed by the new CDN addresses.

Anything from the old "Katunga" repo is oudated.
All addresses you pointed out are wrong.

What IWBootstrap version is that? The new version released with IW 15.2.33 doesn't reference those files anymore.

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