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CustomContentHandlers Demo code in C++
I Am using IntraWeb Version: 15.0.17

I have downloaded demo from
I need C++ code for the  delphi demo CustomContentHandlers.
In my project I need to send xml data to client depending on the parameter they have provided and CustomContentHandlers demo is doing exactly what I want but it is in delphi and I am unable to convert it to C++ code.

I tried but not working it says (404 file not found)
code writen by me
in ServerController.cpp
void __fastcall TIWServerController::IWServerControllerBaseConfig(TObject *Sender)

  THandlers::Add("", " GiveMeSomeXML", new  TContentXML());

in IW.Content.XML.cpp
 __fastcall  TContentXML :: TContentXML ()

__fastcall  TContentXML ::~ TContentXML ()

bool __fastcall  TContentXML ::Execute(Iw::Http::Request::THttpRequest* aRequest, Iw::Http::Reply::THttpReply* aReply, const System::UnicodeString aPathname,
                                          Iwapplication::TIWApplication* aSession, System::Classes::TStrings* aParams)
 aReply->ContentType = "text/xml";;
 aReply->WriteString("<xml>My xml content here</xml>");

in IW.Content.XML.h

class TContentXML : public Iw::Content::Base::TContentBase
private:    // User declarations

public:        // User declarations
   __fastcall virtual  TContentXML ();
   __fastcall  ~ TContentXML (void);

   virtual bool __fastcall Execute(Iw::Http::Request::THttpRequest* aRequest, Iw::Http::Reply::THttpReply* aReply, const System::UnicodeString aPathname, Iwapplication::TIWApplication* aSession, System::Classes::TStrings* aParams);


I know I have not converted it properly please help me

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