08-23-2024, 03:26 AM
Similar to the example "PostDataDemo", I want to query XML data via a corresponding content handler, but my content handler cannot find the query data.
C++ Builder 12 Patch 1
Edition: IntraWeb Ultimate Edition
IntraWeb Version: 15.6.3
32-bit Server on 64-bit Windows
HTTP Server is active on port: 80
HTTPS Server is active on port: 543 (OpenSSL v1.1.1)
In the server controller, the content handler is configured as follows:
this->SecurityOptions->HttpMethods << hmGet << hmPost;
this->SecurityOptions->ForceAjaxPost = true;
TIWMimeTypes::RegisterType(L".xml", L"application/xml; charset=UTF-8", false);
THandlers::Add(L"", L"Query.xml", new TIWH_Xml());
The query is made interactively via an XMLHttpRequest object (see appendix).
The HTML document is inserted into a frame of the MainForm.
The content handler is called correctly but the query data does not arrive:
aRequest->HasContent = true
aRequest->Files->Count = 0 !!!
The test tool specified in "How to simulate a request using Firefox Poster addon.png" (2017)
I could unfortunately no longer find it at Mozilla.
Is there something wrong with my example ?
Does anything else need to be configured ?
Similar to the example "PostDataDemo", I want to query XML data via a corresponding content handler, but my content handler cannot find the query data.
C++ Builder 12 Patch 1
Edition: IntraWeb Ultimate Edition
IntraWeb Version: 15.6.3
32-bit Server on 64-bit Windows
HTTP Server is active on port: 80
HTTPS Server is active on port: 543 (OpenSSL v1.1.1)
In the server controller, the content handler is configured as follows:
this->SecurityOptions->HttpMethods << hmGet << hmPost;
this->SecurityOptions->ForceAjaxPost = true;
TIWMimeTypes::RegisterType(L".xml", L"application/xml; charset=UTF-8", false);
THandlers::Add(L"", L"Query.xml", new TIWH_Xml());
The query is made interactively via an XMLHttpRequest object (see appendix).
The HTML document is inserted into a frame of the MainForm.
The content handler is called correctly but the query data does not arrive:
aRequest->HasContent = true
aRequest->Files->Count = 0 !!!
The test tool specified in "How to simulate a request using Firefox Poster addon.png" (2017)
I could unfortunately no longer find it at Mozilla.
Is there something wrong with my example ?
Does anything else need to be configured ?