I didnt find a solution in the demo-file, but how do I read the value of an consisting jQGrid?
I try to react to a doubleClick, first .cell[1,1]-call raises an exception and second .DoGridGetCell(..)-call gives a empty string back?
In the TMS-Sourcecode the is an function .cells but with IntraWeb there isn't?
I try to react to a doubleClick, first .cell[1,1]-call raises an exception and second .DoGridGetCell(..)-call gives a empty string back?
In the TMS-Sourcecode the is an function .cells but with IntraWeb there isn't?
procedure TIWFrame1.IWjQGrid1AsyncDblClickRow(Sender: TObject;
EventParams: TStringList; const RowID: string; const Row, Col: Integer);
text1, text2, text3 : string;
text3 := IWjQGrid1.Columns[1].DisplayName;
text1 := IWjQGrid1.Cell[1,1];
text2 := IWjQGrid1.DoGridGetCell(RowID, 'Column1');