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How can I deploy an IntraWeb 9 app written in D2007
I am having trouble deploying a web app recently written in Delphi 2007 using IntraWeb 9 (it was bundled with D2007 professional). We are not able to change from using D2007 so suggesting an upgrade is not a viable solution. However, I don't mind buying an IntraWeb upgrade as long as the newer version will work with D2007, and will solve the deployment issue.

The web page produced by the app I'm trying to deploy works fine on any device connected to my LAN -- my local development machine (, other computers on the LAN, even my cell phone when connected via WiFi. It also works on the host machine I'm trying to deploy to (Windows Server 2022) using its browser with However, when trying to access it via the web, it times out.  I have opened the specified port on the host for both TCP and UDP.  The web app is running as a Stand Alone for testing. Once successfully deployed, I'll switch it to a service.         

I've been programing with Delphi since Delphi 1, but this is my first IntraWeb app. I don't know if it is something I'm doing (or not doing), or if the bundled IntraWeb was a trial version, and I need a license to deploy. 

My attempt at deploying on our web host:

  1. Created a sub-folder under the directory in which our WordPress web site resides:
  2. Uploaded the App.exe and support files needed to access a Firebird Database.
  3. Run the App with and without admin privileges. 
Tried to access the web page from my local browser using the IP address:port as well as the in each case it times out.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
So today I installed it as a service. When I tried to start the service the progress bar got about 1/2 way through before giving me this message:

Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

I don't know what to do about that, and can't find anything in the documentation. Since nobody responded to my earlier post, I'll give this one a day or two before abandoning IntraWeb in favor of WebBroker. Someone please respond. I really need help with this.

In an attempt to resolve this on my own, I created a simple "Hello World" project. This time I selected "Service" in the wizard. Upon compiling, I was told that Services were not allowed in the Evaluation Edition.  That's the first I knew that I was using an evaluation edition.  I suspect that may be why my app would work locally, but not deploy. Now if I could ever get AtoZed to respond....

I have no way of knowing if the later, full versions will work with D2007.  It's interesting that their sails department doesn't want to be contacted until after I purchase. What kind of sales organization does that?

Again, I am locked into D2007.
Just download the latest compile and see if it will install into D2007. If it gives you the option for D2007 you know it works. Then you can even test everything in evaluation mode before you make the purchase.

It has been a long time since I used iw9. The later versions have tons of new features. You might have to refactor your code some too.
(01-05-2024, 02:43 AM)joelcc Wrote: Just download the latest compile and see if it will install into D2007.  If it gives you the option for D2007 you know it works.  Then you can even test everything in evaluation mode before you make the purchase.

Thanks for the suggestion, @joelcc.  I have just about concluded that working with AtoZed is a waist of time. They simply do not support their products well enough for me to incorporate them in a commercial application.  Supposedly they offer a key of some kind that will activate InterWeb 9 Enterprise because of my bundle. I went to their web page and "requested" that key. It was supposed to be emailed to me, or I could click the MyKeys link on the IntraWeb page.  I have not received an email (which was supposed to be automatic), and there is no MyKeys link on their web page. Also, I haven't received a reply from their Sales person/group from an email I sent last week. You'd think that when someone writes to ask if there is a way to spend money with them, they would be interested enough to ... well enough ranting. I simply have given up on what could be an amazing product.
You probably have done this, but did you check your spam?
(01-05-2024, 03:27 PM)joelcc Wrote: You probably have done this, but did you check your spam?

@joelcc, I get a lot of spam. I check it religiously every time I check my email, but the lack of response is only part of my decision. The fact that version 17 has been right around the corner for years is one. The fact that their website directs me to a link that doesn't exist is another, and the absence of actual help from the forum is yet another (present company excepted).

Perhaps the biggest reason I'm abandoning IntraWeb is that I've been burned before by 3rd party components that dry up and blow away. I've been programming computers since before IBM made their first PC (yes I'm that old). I've learned some hard lessons the hard way. 

I appreciate that you're trying to help. Thank you for that.  Now, my programming is pretty much restricted to the VCL. My current need is for a small, simple, web app that will produce one page and will be used by two or three people (internally).

Again, I appreciate you for trying to help.

IntraWeb, as a product, is 30 years old, as old as Delphi. So IntraWeb is not the kind of framework that, unfortunately, has burnt you.

The first thing that comes to my mind is that the license is not correctly installed. Can you post a print screen of the IntraWeb Stand alone application main window?
Regarding this:

> Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

IntraWeb will save a log file in the same folder where the application is, containing more information about this error. Please check this file.
Write me directly at alexandre at atozed dot com

We had problems with automatic emails in the past. You're not the first and won't be the last, but we manually respond to all emails

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