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IWCombobox drop down
Delphi component tcombobox has a property "droppeddown" which  
indicates whether the drop-down list is currently displayed.
Does Intraweb have a corresponding property?
No, the web <select> component that is the analogous to the combobox doesn't have such a property.

It is possible to detect the state of the dropdown list via JS code, though. If you explain your requirements a little better and really need it we can provide a demo
I am interested in dynamically dropping down the selection window so the user does not have to select the down symbol.
The standard <select> element doesn't allow you to programmatically drop down the list. This is not a limitation but it is by design of the HTML element.

Maybe you should have a look at the IWSelect control which allows finer control. The IWSelect is a combobox on steroids with many more options:

In one of the items of that demo (at least the multiple selection list) the list will drop down automatically when the first key is pressed which allows a nice usability and doesn't break the page navigation via keyboard.

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