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Can Indy10 be used on a Raspberry Pi?
While compiling a ItHTTPServer and an IdTCPServer for the Raspberry Pi, with {mode objfpc}, I get hundreds of 'Hints' which indicate to me it is not going to work at all.
And indeed, it crashes on the first Thread.Create somewhere.

This is the list of compiling problems (sorry, lots of it):

Compile Project, Target: ViaTerminal, Warnings: 10, Hints: 224
IdGlobal.pas(2413,33) Hint: Parameter "AChars" not used
IdGlobal.pas(2414,86) Hint: Parameter "AByteCount" not used
IdGlobal.pas(2415,33) Hint: Parameter "ABytes" not used
IdGlobal.pas(2416,86) Hint: Parameter "ACharCount" not used
IdGlobal.pas(2424,86) Hint: Parameter "AByteCount" not used
IdGlobal.pas(2425,44) Hint: Parameter "AByteCount" not used
IdGlobal.pas(2432,33) Hint: Parameter "AChars" not used
IdGlobal.pas(2434,33) Hint: Parameter "ABytes" not used
IdGlobal.pas(2443,33) Hint: Parameter "AChars" not used
IdGlobal.pas(2445,33) Hint: Parameter "ABytes" not used
IdGlobal.pas(1748,29) Hint: Parameter "AText" not used
IdGlobal.pas(6066,36) Hint: Local variable "ts" does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobal.pas(6286,50) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
IdGlobal.pas(6494,3) Note: Local variable "LVoid" is assigned but never used
IdGlobal.pas(6574,42) Hint: Local variable "LErr" does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobal.pas(6692,34) Hint: Local variable "LErr" does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobal.pas(6848,49) Hint: Local variable "LErr" does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobal.pas(7032,59) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
IdGlobal.pas(1877,33) Hint: Parameter "AThread" not used
IdGlobal.pas(1877,93) Hint: Parameter "APolicy" not used
IdGlobal.pas(1878,31) Hint: Parameter "AName" not used
IdGlobal.pas(1878,106) Hint: Parameter "AThreadID" not used
IdGlobal.pas(8407,4) Hint: "formal parameter" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
IdGlobal.pas(8407,4) Hint: Inlining disabled
IdGlobal.pas(8502,4) Hint: "formal parameter" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
IdGlobal.pas(8502,4) Hint: Inlining disabled
IdGlobal.pas(8511,29) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobal.pas(8816,4) Hint: "formal parameter" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
IdGlobal.pas(8816,4) Hint: Inlining disabled
IdGlobal.pas(8847,53) Hint: Local variable "LBytes" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobal.pas(8881,43) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobal.pas(8896,21) Hint: Local variable "Lb" does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobal.pas(1425,25) Hint: Parameter "VBuffer" not used
IdGlobal.pas(1425,44) Hint: Parameter "AOffset" not used
IdGlobal.pas(1425,53) Hint: Parameter "ACount" not used
IdGlobal.pas(1462,26) Hint: Parameter "Buffer" not used
IdGlobal.pas(1462,34) Hint: Parameter "Count" not used
IdGlobal.pas(9640,43) Hint: Function result variable of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobal.pas(10054,4) Hint: "formal parameter" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
IdGlobal.pas(10054,4) Hint: Inlining disabled
IdGlobal.pas(551,23) Hint: Unit "Sockets" not used in IdGlobal
IdCTypes.pas(18,3) Hint: Unit "ctypes" not used in IdCTypes
IdStackUnix.pas(424,38) Hint: Local variable "LH4" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdStackUnix.pas(505,82) Hint: Local variable "LIPVersion" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackUnix.pas(505,70) Hint: Local variable "LPort" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackUnix.pas(505,63) Hint: Local variable "LIP" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdStackUnix.pas(710,43) Hint: Local variable "LS" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdStackUnix.pas(834,26) Hint: Local variable "LAddrList" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackUnix.pas(913,35) Warning: Local variable "LI" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdStackUnix.pas(1006,42) Hint: Local variable "LS" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdStackUnix.pas(123,62) Hint: Parameter "VBuffer" not used
IdStackUnix.pas(124,37) Hint: Parameter "AIP" not used
IdStackUnix.pas(124,56) Hint: Parameter "APort" not used
IdStackUnix.pas(1290,41) Hint: Local variable "LPReadSet" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackUnix.pas(1290,30) Hint: Local variable "LReadSet" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackUnix.pas(1291,44) Hint: Local variable "LPWriteSet" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackUnix.pas(1291,32) Hint: Local variable "LWriteSet" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackUnix.pas(1292,47) Hint: Local variable "LPExceptSet" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackUnix.pas(1292,34) Hint: Local variable "LExceptSet" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackBSDBase.pas(410,40) Hint: Local variable "LAddress" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackBSDBase.pas(462,34) Warning: Local variable "Tmp" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackBSDBase.pas(491,26) Warning: Local variable "Tmp" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackBSDBase.pas(501,107) Hint: Local variable "LBuf" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackBSDBase.pas(604,44) Hint: Local variable "LIP4" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackBSDBase.pas(612,44) Hint: Local variable "LIP6" does not seem to be initialized
IdStackBSDBase.pas(361,3) Hint: Unit "IdResourceStrings" not used in IdStackBSDBase
IdStack.pas(229,27) Hint: Parameter "AReadList" not used
IdStack.pas(229,53) Hint: Parameter "AWriteList" not used
IdStack.pas(230,6) Hint: Parameter "AExceptList" not used
IdStack.pas(230,40) Hint: Parameter "ATimeout" not used
IdStack.pas(634,51) Hint: Local variable "LIPVersion" does not seem to be initialized
IdStack.pas(642,46) Hint: Local variable "LIPVersion" does not seem to be initialized
IdStack.pas(650,48) Hint: Local variable "LIPVersion" does not seem to be initialized
IdBaseComponent.pas(150,38) Hint: Parameter "AComponent" not used
IdSocketHandle.pas(520,55) Hint: Local variable "LPort" does not seem to be initialized
IdSocketHandle.pas(520,48) Hint: Local variable "LIP" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdSocketHandle.pas(134,50) Hint: Unit "IdBaseComponent" not used in IdSocketHandle
IdBuffer.pas(509,26) Hint: Local variable "LBytes" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdBuffer.pas(559,24) Hint: Local variable "LBytes" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdIntercept.pas(71,30) Hint: Unit "IdBuffer" not used in IdIntercept
IdIOHandler.pas(534,6) Hint: Parameter "AOwner" not used
IdIOHandler.pas(484,34) Hint: Parameter "ASender" not used
IdIOHandler.pas(1015,41) Hint: Local variable "LBytes" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdIOHandler.pas(1547,38) Hint: Local variable "LResult" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdIOHandler.pas(553,23) Hint: Parameter "AMSec" not used
IdIOHandler.pas(623,39) Hint: Parameter "ADelim" not used
IdIOHandler.pas(606,45) Hint: Parameter "AEnableTransferFile" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(167,36) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(113,22) Hint: Parameter "AIOHandler" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(113,54) Hint: Parameter "ATimeOut" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(111,20) Hint: Parameter "AIOHandler" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(111,52) Hint: Parameter "AHost" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(111,73) Hint: Parameter "APort" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(111,95) Hint: Parameter "AIPVersion" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(93,26) Hint: Parameter "AValue" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(102,24) Hint: Parameter "AHandle" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(101,23) Hint: Parameter "AHandle" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(101,56) Hint: Parameter "AHost" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(101,82) Hint: Parameter "APort" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(101,108) Hint: Parameter "AIPVersion" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(245,36) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(103,26) Hint: Parameter "AHandle" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(103,56) Hint: Parameter "ABuffer" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(104,11) Hint: Parameter "VPeerIP" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(104,32) Hint: Parameter "VPeerPort" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(104,56) Hint: Parameter "VIPVersion" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(105,8) Hint: Parameter "AMSec" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(106,25) Hint: Parameter "AHandle" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(107,13) Hint: Parameter "AHost" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(107,34) Hint: Parameter "APort" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(107,56) Hint: Parameter "AIPVersion" not used
IdCustomTransparentProxy.pas(108,13) Hint: Parameter "ABuffer" not used
IdIPAddress.pas(235,47) Hint: Local variable "LErr" does not seem to be initialized
IdIPAddress.pas(262,49) Hint: Local variable "LErr" does not seem to be initialized
IdReply.pas(139,39) Hint: Parameter "ACode" not used
IdReply.pas(157,38) Hint: Parameter "ALine" not used
IdTCPConnection.pas(385,30) Hint: Parameter "ASender" not used
IdTCPConnection.pas(386,28) Hint: Parameter "ASender" not used
IdTCPConnection.pas(387,25) Hint: Parameter "ASender" not used
IdTCPConnection.pas(388,30) Hint: Parameter "aCmd" not used
IdTCPConnection.pas(359,3) Hint: Unit "IdIOHandlerStack" not used in IdTCPConnection
IdTCPConnection.pas(361,3) Hint: Unit "IdSocketHandle" not used in IdTCPConnection
IdTCPConnection.pas(458,3) Hint: Unit "IdAntiFreezeBase" not used in IdTCPConnection
IdTCPConnection.pas(458,44) Hint: Unit "IdStackConsts" not used in IdTCPConnection
IdIOHandlerStack.pas(214,44) Hint: Unit "IdResourceStrings" not used in IdIOHandlerStack
IdIOHandlerStack.pas(215,3) Hint: Unit "IdTCPConnection" not used in IdIOHandlerStack
IdSocks.pas(331,33) Hint: Local variable "LResponse" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdSocks.pas(223,33) Hint: Parameter "AIOHandler" not used
IdSocks.pas(394,62) Hint: Local variable "Lpos" does not seem to be initialized
IdSocks.pas(226,111) Hint: Parameter "AIPVersion" not used
IdSocks.pas(229,105) Hint: Parameter "AIPVersion" not used
IdSocks.pas(597,66) Hint: Local variable "Lpos" does not seem to be initialized
IdSocks.pas(642,43) Hint: Local variable "LAddress" does not seem to be initialized
IdSocks.pas(228,35) Hint: Parameter "AIPVersion" not used
IdSocks.pas(728,39) Hint: Local variable "LAddress" does not seem to be initialized
IdSocks.pas(789,110) Hint: Local variable "Lpos" does not seem to be initialized
IdSocks.pas(247,24) Hint: Parameter "AHandle" not used
IdSocks.pas(241,56) Hint: Parameter "AHost" not used
IdSocks.pas(241,82) Hint: Parameter "APort" not used
IdSocks.pas(241,108) Hint: Parameter "AIPVersion" not used
IdSocks.pas(912,32) Hint: Local variable "LIP6" does not seem to be initialized
IdSocks.pas(246,35) Hint: Parameter "AIPVersion" not used
IdTask.pas(59,31) Hint: Parameter "AException" not used
IdScheduler.pas(81,20) Hint: Unit "IdThread" not used in IdScheduler
IdServerIOHandler.pas(67,7) Hint: Parameter "ASocket" not used
IdServerIOHandler.pas(68,7) Hint: Parameter "AListenerThread" not used
IdServerIOHandler.pas(69,7) Hint: Parameter "AYarn" not used
IdServerIOHandler.pas(72,34) Hint: Parameter "AYarn" not used
IdServerIOHandler.pas(54,50) Hint: Unit "IdStackConsts" not used in IdServerIOHandler
IdServerIOHandlerSocket.pas(97,7) Hint: Parameter "AYarn" not used
IdServerIOHandlerSocket.pas(82,58) Hint: Unit "IdStackConsts" not used in IdServerIOHandlerSocket
IdServerIOHandlerSocket.pas(82,86) Hint: Unit "IdScheduler" not used in IdServerIOHandlerSocket
IdServerIOHandlerStack.pas(70,34) Hint: Parameter "ATheThread" not used
IdServerIOHandlerStack.pas(62,3) Hint: Unit "IdSocketHandle" not used in IdServerIOHandlerStack
IdServerIOHandlerStack.pas(62,29) Hint: Unit "IdThread" not used in IdServerIOHandlerStack
IdServerIOHandlerStack.pas(62,39) Hint: Unit "IdServerIOHandler" not used in IdServerIOHandlerStack
IdServerIOHandlerStack.pas(62,58) Hint: Unit "IdStackConsts" not used in IdServerIOHandlerStack
IdServerIOHandlerStack.pas(62,86) Hint: Unit "IdScheduler" not used in IdServerIOHandlerStack
IdSchedulerOfThreadDefault.pas(70,55) Hint: Unit "IdContext" not used in IdSchedulerOfThreadDefault
IdCustomTCPServer.pas(357,40) Hint: Parameter "AIOHandler" not used
IdCustomTCPServer.pas(265,25) Hint: Unit "IdSchedulerOfThread" not used in IdCustomTCPServer
IdCustomTCPServer.pas(266,43) Hint: Unit "IdStackConsts" not used in IdCustomTCPServer
IdCustomTCPServer.pas(432,26) Hint: Unit "IdReplyRFC" not used in IdCustomTCPServer
IdSchedulerOfThread.pas(134,16) Hint: Unit "IdBaseComponent" not used in IdSchedulerOfThread
IdSchedulerOfThread.pas(175,26) Hint: Unit "IdTCPServer" not used in IdSchedulerOfThread
IdThread.pas(240,33) Hint: Parameter "AException" not used
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(1314,41) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(1511,57) Hint: Local variable "NumRead" does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(1511,32) Hint: Local variable "Buffer" does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(1516,52) Hint: Local variable "NumWritten" does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(536,52) Hint: Parameter "AExt" not used
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(1819,12) Hint: Local variable "LRec" does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(1739,3) Note: Local variable "LU" not used
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(1941,51) Hint: Local variable "LRec" does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(518,29) Hint: Parameter "Value" not used
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(2329,19) Warning: Local variable "LNum" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(2727,50) Hint: Local variable "Ignored" does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(2774,40) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(3891,19) Warning: function result variable of a managed type does not seem to initialized
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(4629,69) Hint: Local variable "LOld" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(4858,27) Hint: Local variable "TheTms" does not seem to be initialized
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(4945,3) Note: Local variable "LHost" not used
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(332,3) Hint: Unit "IdBaseComponent" not used in IdGlobalProtocols
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(595,3) Hint: Unit "IdIPAddress" not used in IdGlobalProtocols
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(620,3) Hint: Unit "IdAssignedNumbers" not used in IdGlobalProtocols
IdGlobalProtocols.pas(621,3) Hint: Unit "IdResourceStringsCore" not used in IdGlobalProtocols
IdHeaderList.pas(148,3) Hint: Unit "IdException" not used in IdHeaderList
IdUriUtils.pas(59,3) Hint: Unit "IdResourceStringsProtocols" not used in IdUriUtils
IdCookie.pas(640,34) Warning: Local variable "S" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdCookie.pas(476,3) Hint: Local const "cTokenSeparators" is not used
IdCookie.pas(206,3) Hint: Unit "IdAssignedNumbers" not used in IdCookie
IdCookie.pas(206,22) Hint: Unit "IdResourceStringsProtocols" not used in IdCookie
IdCoder.pas(166,3) Hint: Unit "IdStreamVCL" not used in IdCoder
IdCoder3to4.pas(278,71) Hint: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
IdCoder3to4.pas(279,71) Hint: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
IdCoder3to4.pas(382,60) Hint: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
IdCoder3to4.pas(383,61) Hint: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
IdCoder3to4.pas(198,3) Hint: Unit "IdException" not used in IdCoder3to4
IdCoder3to4.pas(198,16) Hint: Unit "IdResourceStrings" not used in IdCoder3to4
IdCoderMIME.pas(131,45) Hint: Local variable "LSrc" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdCoderMIME.pas(86,3) Hint: Unit "IdStreamVCL" not used in IdCoderMIME
IdAuthentication.pas(84,32) Hint: Parameter "AMethod" not used
IdAuthentication.pas(84,41) Hint: Parameter "AUri" not used
IdAuthentication.pas(122,35) Hint: Unit "IdResourceStringsProtocols" not used in IdAuthentication
IdHTTPHeaderInfo.pas(579,66) Hint: Local variable "LCharSet" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdHTTPHeaderInfo.pas(1219,51) Hint: Local variable "LCharSet" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdSSL.pas(109,35) Hint: Parameter "ATheThread" not used
IdSSL.pas(68,3) Hint: Unit "IdScheduler" not used in IdSSL
IdCustomHTTPServer.pas(546,28) Hint: Parameter "ABuffer" not used
IdCustomHTTPServer.pas(546,47) Hint: Parameter "AOffset" not used
IdCustomHTTPServer.pas(546,56) Hint: Parameter "ACount" not used
IdCustomHTTPServer.pas(548,25) Hint: Parameter "ASize" not used
IdCustomHTTPServer.pas(1125,99) Hint: Local variable "LContentText" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdCustomHTTPServer.pas(1125,85) Hint: Local variable "LResponseText" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdCustomHTTPServer.pas(1125,70) Hint: Local variable "LResponseNo" does not seem to be initialized
IdCustomHTTPServer.pas(1411,43) Hint: Local variable "LEncoding" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
IdCustomHTTPServer.pas(2281,77) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "UnicodeString"
IdCustomHTTPServer.pas(2291,77) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "UnicodeString"
unit1.pas(59,28) Hint: Parameter "level" not used
unit1.pas(40,46) Hint: Parameter "CloseAction" not used
DebugLogU.pas(255,11) Note: Local variable "AValue" is assigned but never used
DebugLogU.pas(51,48) Hint: Parameter "AContext" not used
DebugLogU.pas(52,47) Hint: Parameter "AContext" not used
DebugLogU.pas(54,53) Hint: Parameter "AThread" not used
DebugLogU.pas(56,44) Hint: Parameter "ASender" not used
DebugLogU.pas(56,68) Hint: Parameter "AStatus" not used
DebugLogU.pas(477,58) Hint: Parameter "Level" not used
DebugLogU.pas(590,3) Note: Local variable "CurrentTimestamp" is assigned but never used
DebugLogU.pas(59,45) Hint: Parameter "AContext" not used
DebugLogU.pas(60,7) Hint: Parameter "ARequestInfo" not used
DebugLogU.pas(61,44) Hint: Parameter "AContext" not used
Bart Kindt
CEO and Developer
SARTrack Limited
New Zealand
(10-07-2021, 03:28 AM)BartKindt Wrote: While compiling a ItHTTPServer and an IdTCPServer for the Raspberry Pi, with {mode objfpc}, I get hundreds of 'Hints' which indicate to me it is not going to work at all.

Raspberry Pi is NOT officially supported by Indy. However, it is basically Linux-based, which Indy does support.

(10-07-2021, 03:28 AM)BartKindt Wrote: And indeed, it crashes on the first Thread.Create somewhere.

Do you have the cthreads unit in your uses clause?

(10-07-2021, 03:28 AM)BartKindt Wrote: This is the list of compiling problems (sorry, lots of it):

Some of those "Parameter "..." not used" warnings are true, but many of them are bogus. In fact, most of those hints are benign and can be ignored.

""formal parameter" not yet supported inside inline procedure/function" - I don't know what to make of that.

"Local variable/Function result variable"..." of a managed type does not seem to be initialized" - sounds like a compiler bug, since by definition a managed type is "managed" by the compiler and should always be initialized automatically.

In any case, you don't seem to be getting any compiler ERRORS, that is what is most important.

Problem Solved: YES, Indy10 works on the Raspberry Pi, when cthreads is included.

The auto-generated Program file contained:
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}

But clearly the UseCThreads was not defined, so the cthreads was not either. I did not expect that.

Now cthreads is part of the program, it works!
Bart Kindt
CEO and Developer
SARTrack Limited
New Zealand

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