02-16-2021, 05:46 PM
Hello, I'm using IW 15.2.10 And Delphi 10.3 trying to change the color of the font of text in cells within an IWGrid when OnRenderCell is triggered:
however, ACell.Font.Color := clBlue; line does not change of the color of the text in the cells. it does work on IW14, but this doesn't seem to work in IW15.2.10. could this be a bug?
procedure WorkFlow.TasksRenderCell(ACell: TIWGridCell;
const ARow, AColumn: Integer);
If ARow = 0 then
{blue is the standard color for display only data}
ACell.Font.Color := clBlue;
however, ACell.Font.Color := clBlue; line does not change of the color of the text in the cells. it does work on IW14, but this doesn't seem to work in IW15.2.10. could this be a bug?