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Get error with IdWship when compiling Indy for Delphi 7 on windows 7
I am upgrading my version of Indy so I can get a more recent version of TLS. I started by removing all the the Indy directories and dclIndy* and Indy* files from the lib and bi directories.
I used Fulld_7 and it generated no errors. I then installed the two packages that were created in the D7 directory. However, when I try to compile one of my modules with Indy things in I get the following error

[Fatal Error] IndySystem70.dpk(43): Unit IdIDN was compiled with a different version of IdGlobal.TIdUnicodeString
Your title mentions IdWship, but your message mentions IdIDN instead.

(08-20-2020, 01:48 PM)russ3ell Wrote: I started by removing all the the Indy directories and dclIndy* and Indy* files from the lib and bi directories.

Did you search the rest of your machine? Old IDEs tended to put DCUs and BPLs files in the Windows system folders, or in the user's Documents folder. Especially since Indy is bundled with the IDE, even back then. So, when updating Indy, make sure you wipe out ALL traces of Indy from the entire machine before recompiling and installing the new packages, just in case.


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