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Joined: Jul 2020
i have little intraweb application standalone
on windows server 2019
with intraweb version 15.2.10
and some time the application shutdown on connexion,
i noticed that particulary when run tray icon is selected.
have you some reports for that ?
so do you think possible to have system for verify that the application is online ?
Thank's alot best regards
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1) You have not provided any significant details for us to assist. This is like calling a mechanic "hey my car is broken, whats wrong?"
2) IntraWeb is in use by many large installations. It does not simply crash. Without a doubt in my mind the issue is with your code, so see #1.
3) The tray icon is an artifact of Windows. When an application crashes, Windows keeps the tray icon until you try to click on it.
4) You can verify by sending an HTTP request, which is a standard method for all web applications.
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hello thank's for your reply,
i have activate this option before,
but no informations
just the exe shutdown !
So i clear all logs the next shutdown i show you the logs
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in attachement there are error log,
can you explain more where i can search error ?
For the moment is just test application for better know IW
but in short time there are usable
Thank's lot
best regards
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Joined: Jul 2020
the error message log
Exception message : Session ID is invalid.
Session ID is invalid.
Exception class : EInvalidAppID
Session ID : Dbwymyw~JngUhxHgMzhGDTzpXVu
Exception address : 000000000095329B
Exception Time : 2020-08-04 11:50:02.687
Application Name : JWDataService.exe
Application Version:
Started at : 2020-08-04 08:01:26.162
Running for : 3 hours 48 minutes 36 seconds
Computer Name : NAS1
Compiler Version : 330
IntraWeb Version : 15.2.10
Multi-session : True
Content Path : C:\JWData\wwwroot\
Session count : 1
(0000000000550FEC){JWDataService.exe} [0000000000951FEC] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept + $4A971C
(0000000000534CD0){JWDataService.exe} [0000000000935CD0] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept + $48D400
(00000000005352FA){JWDataService.exe} [00000000009362FA] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept + $48DA2A
(000000000054C967){JWDataService.exe} [000000000094D967] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept + $4A5097
(00000000005FF8D5){JWDataService.exe} [0000000000A008D5] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept + $558005
(00000000005D7C79){JWDataService.exe} [00000000009D8C79] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept + $5303A9
(00000000005A308E){JWDataService.exe} [00000000009A408E] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept + $4FB7BE
(00000000005A1171){JWDataService.exe} [00000000009A2171] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept + $4F98A1
(00000000005BDDD4){JWDataService.exe} [00000000009BEDD4] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept + $516504
(00000000005BD0AB){JWDataService.exe} [00000000009BE0AB] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept + $5157DB
(0000000000141B03){JWDataService.exe} [0000000000542B03] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept + $9A233
(000000000001164D){JWDataService.exe} [000000000041264D]
(0000000000016974){KERNEL32.DLL} [00007FFFF4037974] BaseThreadInitThunk + $14
(0000000000069271){ntdll.dll } [00007FFFF4ABA271] RtlUserThreadStart + $21
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Session ID is invalid is a normal exception. Nothing to worry about.
It is the same as an expired session.
However, your stack trace contains no useful information.
> Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
means that the debug info is not present in your build.
Please double check your application options and see if you have debug info on in both compiling and linking. Follow *carefully* the instructions on that document and you will have a nice call stack when some error occur, with the method names and line numbers which allows you to find exactly what caused the error.
But again, this exception is nothing to worry about. It is completely normal and won't ever crash your server
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Joined: Jul 2020
i have strange crash with no noise, intraweb exe fall down, an stop
today i have this error have you
any ideas
best regards
Exception message : Session ID is invalid.
Session ID is invalid.
Exception class : EInvalidAppID
Session ID : gtN9j-h3rt-484XiLM0ReZkwEWa
Exception address : 000000000095335B
Exception Time : 2020-08-06 18:02:40.553
Application Name : JWDataService.exe
Application Version:
Started at : 2020-08-05 16:48:00.483
Running for : 1 day 1 hour 14 minutes 40 seconds
Computer Name : NAS1
Compiler Version : 330
IntraWeb Version : 15.2.10
Multi-session : True
Content Path : C:\JWData\wwwroot\
Session count : 0
Session ID : gtN9j-h3rt-484XiLM0ReZkwEWa
Client IP address :
Request PathInfo : /GyuZCOnNmAgdDtLmKyofGHbL6Iu/Contact.html
Request Method : POST
Request User Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36
Cookies Count : 2
(00000000005510AC){JWDataService.exe} [00000000009520AC] IWServerSession._ZN15Iwserversession16TIWServerSession14ExecuteSessionEN6System13UnicodeStringE (Line 826, "IWServerSession.pas" + 46) + $5
(0000000000534D90){JWDataService.exe} [0000000000935D90] IWServer._ZN8Iwserver9TIWServer10ExecuteUrlEN6System13UnicodeStringE (Line 678, "IWServer.pas" + 90) + $12
(00000000005353BA){JWDataService.exe} [00000000009363BA] IWServer._ZN8Iwserver9TIWServer7ExecuteEv (Line 753, "IWServer.pas" + 18) + $0
(000000000054CA27){JWDataService.exe} [000000000094DA27] IWServerSession._ZN15Iwserversession11HttpExecuteEPhi (Line 92, "IWServerSession.pas" + 3) + $0
(00000000005FF995){JWDataService.exe} [0000000000A00995] IW.Server.HTTPIndy._ZN2Iw6Server8Httpindy15THTTPServerIndy12DoCommandGetEPN9Incontext10TInContextEPN18Incustomhttpserver18TInHTTPRequestInfoEPNS6_19TInHTTPResponseInfoE (Line 242, "IW.Server.HTTPIndy.pas" + 28) + $0
(00000000005D7D39){JWDataService.exe} [00000000009D8D39] InCustomHTTPServer._ZN18Incustomhttpserver19TInCustomHTTPServer9DoExecuteEPN9Incontext10TInContextE (Line 1427, "InCustomHTTPServer.pas" + 180) + $2C
(00000000005A314E){JWDataService.exe} [00000000009A414E] InContext._ZN9Incontext10TInContext3RunEv (Line 185, "InContext.pas" + 2) + $13
(00000000005A1231){JWDataService.exe} [00000000009A2231] InTask._ZN6Intask7TInTask5DoRunEv (Line 137, "InTask.pas" + 2) + $0
(00000000005BDE94){JWDataService.exe} [00000000009BEE94] InThread._ZN8Inthread17TInThreadWithTask3RunEv (Line 626, "InThread.pas" + 1) + $C
(00000000005BD16B){JWDataService.exe} [00000000009BE16B] InThread._ZN8Inthread9TInThread7ExecuteEv (Line 378, "InThread.pas" + 43) + $E
(0000000000141BC3){JWDataService.exe} [0000000000542BC3] System.Classes._ZN6System7Classes10ThreadProcEPNS0_7TThreadE + $43
(000000000001164D){JWDataService.exe} [000000000041264D] System._ZN6System13ThreadWrapperEPv + $3D
(0000000000016974){KERNEL32.DLL} [00007FFFF4037974] BaseThreadInitThunk + $14
(0000000000069271){ntdll.dll } [00007FFFF4ABA271] RtlUserThreadStart + $21