(08-18-2020, 03:08 PM)fearcry Wrote: i did placed a TIdLogFile as an Intercept, the Stats-Section looks like this:
I see absolutely nothing wrong with that log, so the problem has to be elsewhere.
Do you have a handler assigned to the TIdIRC.OnServerStatsReceived event? If so, are you trying to access the handler's AStatus parameter? That event is triggered when the 219 response is received, but its AStatus parameter is always nil since handling of the 210 responses is not implemented at this time (I told you that in my very 1st reply to this discussion on July 31st - have you had me on a wild goose chase for 2½ weeks now?).
LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add;
LCommandHandler.Command := '219'; {do not localize}
LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandENDOFSTATS;
procedure TIdIRC.CommandENDOFSTATS(ASender: TIdCommand);
if Assigned(FOnSvrStats) then begin
OnServerStatsReceived(ASender.Context, nil); // TODO
So, there is really no point in sending a STATS command since TIdIRC is not going to give you back any meaningful stats data, unless you parse the 210 responses manually, either in the OnRaw event, or by adding your own handler to the TIdIRC.CommandHandlers collection.