12-03-2019, 12:31 PM
Hi se below:
The error is:
Exception message : FDQryWWD: Field 'RowID' not found
Depending on the error condition, it might be possible to restart the application.
From the trace you can see that the error is in Exception message : Wwd.TfrmWWD.SRGridAfterGotoLink (Line 2555, "Wwd.pas" + 3) + $1B
Here you can see the code in my program:
procedure TfrmWWD.SRGridAfterGotoLink(Sender: TObject; RowIndex, ColumnIndex: Integer);
if (ColumnIndex = 20) then begin
// UserSession.RowID := SRGrid.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName('RowID').AsString;
UserSession.RowID := UserSession.FDQryWWD.FieldByName('RowID').AsString;
UserSession.NewFunction := 1000;
How is it possible that the field RowId sometimes just is not there? It should be impossible.
Exception message : FDQryWWD: Field 'RowID' not found
Depending on the error condition, it might be possible to restart the application.
Exception class : EDatabaseError
Exception address : 05E892FA
Exception Time : 2019-12-03 13:10:44.317
Application Name : isapiXIBwwd.dll
Application Version:
Started at : 2019-12-03 10:58:54.333
Running for : 2 hours 11 minutes 49 seconds
Computer Name : P-W-WWD-WEB01
Compiler Version : 330
IntraWeb Version : 15.1.7
Multi-session : False
Content Path : D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\kundzon.itella.se\wwd\wwwroot\
Session count : 84
Application Path : D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\kundzon.itella.se\wwd\
Active Form : frmWWD (TfrmWWD)
Active Form list : [1] frmLogon (TfrmLogon)
[2] frmShowNewVersion (TfrmShowNewVersion)
[3] frmWWD (TfrmWWD)
Form list : [1] IWUserSession (TIWUserSession)
[2] frmLogon (TfrmLogon)
[3] frmShowNewVersion (TfrmShowNewVersion)
[4] frmWWD (TfrmWWD)
Browser Name : Microsoft Internet Explorer
Browser UserAgent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Session ID : B0d8iNrGJR7h8m5cH3m03aB7Ggu
Last Access : 2019-12-03 13:10:44.038
Callback : False
Runtime parameters :
Client IP address :
Request PathInfo : /
Request Method : POST
Request User Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Cookies Count : 1
(003A82F5){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E892F5] Data.DB.Db.DatabaseError$qqrx20System.UnicodeStringp25System.Classes.TComponent + $C9
(0002CB47){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05B0DB47] System.SysUtils.Sysutils.Format$qqrx20System.UnicodeStringpx14System.TVarRecxi + $1B
(003A83A9){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E893A9] Data.DB.Db.DatabaseErrorFmt$qqrx20System.UnicodeStringpx14System.TVarRecxip25System.Classes.TComponent + $31
(003BF0BC){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05EA00BC] Data.DB.Error + $44
(003BF103){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05EA0103] Data.DB.Db.TDataSet.FieldByName + $1F
(007884CB){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [062694CB] C
(006C8485){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [061A9485] IWWebGrid.TTIWCustomWebGrid.Submit (Line 9164, "IWWebGrid.pas" + 102) + $E
(002FFAAC){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05DE0AAC] IWForm.TIWForm.DoExecuteForm (Line 1200, "IWForm.pas" + 119) + $6
(00323B1E){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E04B1E] IWBaseForm.TIWBaseForm.ExecuteForm (Line 391, "IWBaseForm.pas" + 9) + $5
(0032AEEB){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E0BEEB] IWApplication.TIWApplication.ExecuteActiveForm (Line 1426, "IWApplication.pas" + 37) + $2
(0032AB96){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E0BB96] IWApplication.TIWApplication.ProcessForm (Line 1304, "IWApplication.pas" + 5) + $6
(0034EDDD){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E2FDDD] IWServerSession.TIWServerSession.ExecuteForm$qqrv (Line 860, "IWServerSession.pas" + 11) + $9
(0034E611){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E2F611] IWServerSession.TIWServerSession.DoExecuteSession$qqrx20System.UnicodeStringo (Line 747, "IWServerSession.pas" + 63) + $2
(0034EC62){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E2FC62] IWServerSession.TIWServerSession.ExecuteSession$qqrx20System.UnicodeString (Line 830, "IWServerSession.pas" + 52) + $7
(0033D1BA){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E1E1BA] IWServer.TIWServer.ExecuteUrl (Line 678, "IWServer.pas" + 90) + $6
(0033D6F4){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E1E6F4] IWServer.TIWServer.Execute (Line 752, "IWServer.pas" + 17) + $6
(0034B667){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E2C667] IWServerSession.HttpExecute$qqrpuci (Line 96, "IWServerSession.pas" + 2) + $3
(00337F1C){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E18F1C] IW.ISAPI.Extension.Isapi.Extension.TIWIsapiExtension.ExecuteHook (Line 286, "IW.ISAPI.Extension.pas" + 4) + $C
(00337D30){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E18D30] IW.ISAPI.Extension.Isapi.Extension.TIWIsapiExtension.HandleRequest (Line 264, "IW.ISAPI.Extension.pas" + 5) + $13
(0035040C){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E3140C] IWInitISAPI.HttpExtensionProc$qqsr38Winapi.Isapi2.TEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK (Line 224, "IWInitISAPI.pas" + 9) + $3
(003506C4){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E316C4] IW.Isapi.ThreadPool.Isapi.Threadpool.WorkerFunction$qqrp38Iw.Isapi.Threadpool.TIWISAPIThreadPool (Line 88, "IW.Isapi.ThreadPool.pas" + 12) + $3
(00009EF8){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05AEAEF8] System.ThreadWrapper$qqspv + $28
The error is:
Exception message : FDQryWWD: Field 'RowID' not found
Depending on the error condition, it might be possible to restart the application.
From the trace you can see that the error is in Exception message : Wwd.TfrmWWD.SRGridAfterGotoLink (Line 2555, "Wwd.pas" + 3) + $1B
Here you can see the code in my program:
procedure TfrmWWD.SRGridAfterGotoLink(Sender: TObject; RowIndex, ColumnIndex: Integer);
if (ColumnIndex = 20) then begin
// UserSession.RowID := SRGrid.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName('RowID').AsString;
UserSession.RowID := UserSession.FDQryWWD.FieldByName('RowID').AsString;
UserSession.NewFunction := 1000;
How is it possible that the field RowId sometimes just is not there? It should be impossible.
Exception message : FDQryWWD: Field 'RowID' not found
Depending on the error condition, it might be possible to restart the application.
Exception class : EDatabaseError
Exception address : 05E892FA
Exception Time : 2019-12-03 13:10:44.317
Application Name : isapiXIBwwd.dll
Application Version:
Started at : 2019-12-03 10:58:54.333
Running for : 2 hours 11 minutes 49 seconds
Computer Name : P-W-WWD-WEB01
Compiler Version : 330
IntraWeb Version : 15.1.7
Multi-session : False
Content Path : D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\kundzon.itella.se\wwd\wwwroot\
Session count : 84
Application Path : D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\kundzon.itella.se\wwd\
Active Form : frmWWD (TfrmWWD)
Active Form list : [1] frmLogon (TfrmLogon)
[2] frmShowNewVersion (TfrmShowNewVersion)
[3] frmWWD (TfrmWWD)
Form list : [1] IWUserSession (TIWUserSession)
[2] frmLogon (TfrmLogon)
[3] frmShowNewVersion (TfrmShowNewVersion)
[4] frmWWD (TfrmWWD)
Browser Name : Microsoft Internet Explorer
Browser UserAgent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Session ID : B0d8iNrGJR7h8m5cH3m03aB7Ggu
Last Access : 2019-12-03 13:10:44.038
Callback : False
Runtime parameters :
Client IP address :
Request PathInfo : /
Request Method : POST
Request User Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Cookies Count : 1
(003A82F5){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E892F5] Data.DB.Db.DatabaseError$qqrx20System.UnicodeStringp25System.Classes.TComponent + $C9
(0002CB47){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05B0DB47] System.SysUtils.Sysutils.Format$qqrx20System.UnicodeStringpx14System.TVarRecxi + $1B
(003A83A9){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E893A9] Data.DB.Db.DatabaseErrorFmt$qqrx20System.UnicodeStringpx14System.TVarRecxip25System.Classes.TComponent + $31
(003BF0BC){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05EA00BC] Data.DB.Error + $44
(003BF103){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05EA0103] Data.DB.Db.TDataSet.FieldByName + $1F
(007884CB){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [062694CB] C
(006C8485){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [061A9485] IWWebGrid.TTIWCustomWebGrid.Submit (Line 9164, "IWWebGrid.pas" + 102) + $E
(002FFAAC){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05DE0AAC] IWForm.TIWForm.DoExecuteForm (Line 1200, "IWForm.pas" + 119) + $6
(00323B1E){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E04B1E] IWBaseForm.TIWBaseForm.ExecuteForm (Line 391, "IWBaseForm.pas" + 9) + $5
(0032AEEB){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E0BEEB] IWApplication.TIWApplication.ExecuteActiveForm (Line 1426, "IWApplication.pas" + 37) + $2
(0032AB96){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E0BB96] IWApplication.TIWApplication.ProcessForm (Line 1304, "IWApplication.pas" + 5) + $6
(0034EDDD){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E2FDDD] IWServerSession.TIWServerSession.ExecuteForm$qqrv (Line 860, "IWServerSession.pas" + 11) + $9
(0034E611){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E2F611] IWServerSession.TIWServerSession.DoExecuteSession$qqrx20System.UnicodeStringo (Line 747, "IWServerSession.pas" + 63) + $2
(0034EC62){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E2FC62] IWServerSession.TIWServerSession.ExecuteSession$qqrx20System.UnicodeString (Line 830, "IWServerSession.pas" + 52) + $7
(0033D1BA){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E1E1BA] IWServer.TIWServer.ExecuteUrl (Line 678, "IWServer.pas" + 90) + $6
(0033D6F4){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E1E6F4] IWServer.TIWServer.Execute (Line 752, "IWServer.pas" + 17) + $6
(0034B667){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E2C667] IWServerSession.HttpExecute$qqrpuci (Line 96, "IWServerSession.pas" + 2) + $3
(00337F1C){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E18F1C] IW.ISAPI.Extension.Isapi.Extension.TIWIsapiExtension.ExecuteHook (Line 286, "IW.ISAPI.Extension.pas" + 4) + $C
(00337D30){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E18D30] IW.ISAPI.Extension.Isapi.Extension.TIWIsapiExtension.HandleRequest (Line 264, "IW.ISAPI.Extension.pas" + 5) + $13
(0035040C){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E3140C] IWInitISAPI.HttpExtensionProc$qqsr38Winapi.Isapi2.TEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK (Line 224, "IWInitISAPI.pas" + 9) + $3
(003506C4){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05E316C4] IW.Isapi.ThreadPool.Isapi.Threadpool.WorkerFunction$qqrp38Iw.Isapi.Threadpool.TIWISAPIThreadPool (Line 88, "IW.Isapi.ThreadPool.pas" + 12) + $3
(00009EF8){isapiXIBwwd.dll} [05AEAEF8] System.ThreadWrapper$qqspv + $28