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Main form in Secure mode
(01-26-2024, 01:13 AM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: >> I'm trying to implement this on may machine, not on a server, just on my PC. Is it possible? If so, what's the domain that I must use,
>> when creating certificate? And witch kind of certificate? Self-signed or Let's Encrypt Certificate?

No it is not possible. Let's Encrypt will send a request to your domain (whatever domain that you are using when requesting the certificate). That's how you "prove" that you own the domain, you see? Otherwise anyone could obtain a certificate for or

If you are only developing, you can test it with a self-signed certificate. It will work just like any other certificate if you install it on the browser or on the Windows certificate store.

More about self-signed certificates here:

Ok, understood.
So, on my Windows Server 2019, can you give an example on how to create a Let's Encrypt Certificate, because I already lost several hours trying this, but always get the same error:
"Error executing requesting LE certificate: TIWLetsEncrypt.New_Order: Could not finalize certificate challenge within specific timeout"

Maybe this is something trivial, but after create a subdomain on my server and hit the button "Hit here to test domain response" on the iwCertficateManager, it will pass, but when hitting Execute button to create the certificate, it will show the error above.
Can you point me in the right direction?

Messages In This Thread
Main form in Secure mode - by Comograma - 01-22-2024, 06:01 PM
RE: Main form in Secure mode - by Comograma - 01-23-2024, 11:17 AM
RE: Main form in Secure mode - by Comograma - 01-23-2024, 03:57 PM
RE: Main form in Secure mode - by Comograma - 01-24-2024, 12:52 PM
RE: Main form in Secure mode - by Comograma - 01-26-2024, 01:04 PM
RE: Main form in Secure mode - by Comograma - 02-01-2024, 10:03 AM

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