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content handler only application
Can I not have an application without forms or sessions, with content handlers only? - it gives me "Session has no active form". Maybe I'm just missing some setting somewhere?

I just have this:

  with THandlers.Add('', '*', TXXXX.Create) do begin
    CanStartSession := False;
    RequiresSessionStart := False;

I can probably do this in the OnExecuteRequest instead, and just as well, I just never expected handler-only approach to fail...

The error has no session ID. But it does mention a single cookie. And it's a POST - IW trying to establish a session after the initial GET.

Error details:

[font="Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exception message : Session has no active form
Depending on the error condition, it might be possible to restart the application.
Exception class : EIWNoActiveForm
Exception address : 0000000000F19808
Exception Time : 2024-11-13 19:08:03.875
Client IP address : AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD
Request PathInfo : /
Request Method : POST
Request User Agent : Mozilla/...
Cookies Count : 1[/font]

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content handler only application - by iwuser - 11-13-2024, 08:20 AM

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