12-16-2020, 06:21 PM
I am dummy with fastreport i never use.
I have build software with intraweb that use mysql database,
he work well.
Ido some sql query, and the result are writen on screen,
but i want now build report with the result of this query in pdf
and i want also print them.
Have you just a small example for understand how work with fast report,
in intraweb software ?
thank's a lot for your help
Best regards
I am dummy with fastreport i never use.
I have build software with intraweb that use mysql database,
he work well.
Ido some sql query, and the result are writen on screen,
but i want now build report with the result of this query in pdf
and i want also print them.
Have you just a small example for understand how work with fast report,
in intraweb software ?
thank's a lot for your help
Best regards