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A bug in new version of Indy in TIdSMTP
I found a problem with it. Older version worked fine.

IdSMTP1->Host = "";
IdSMTP1->Port = 25;

The server issues:
571 impout002 OTQuMjUzLjI0My4zNQ== You must connect from Charter IP space.  E1110

But IdSMTP raises an exception:

Project Project1.exe raised exception class EIdSMTPReplyError with message 'impout003 OTQuMjUzLjI0My4zNQ== You must connect from Charter IP space.  E1110'.

There is also problem connecting to:

IdSMTP1->Host = "";
IdSMTP1->Port = 587;
IdSMTP1->UseTLS = utUseImplicitTLS;

Project Project1.exe raised exception class EIdSocketError with message 'Socket Error # 10060 Connection timed out.'.

But it is NOT socket error nor firewall. Older version of Indy connects fine using exact same settings above (587 + implicit TLS).

Older version of Indy (5373) works fine for both of the above settings... So not sure what changed in the meantime in IdSMTP.
maybe this line:
FExplicitTLSProtPort := 587; // TODO: define a constant for this!

In above connection 587 is implicit port (it is non-standardl but that's how Charter have it set up and until recently it connected well using older TIdSMTP).

Messages In This Thread
A bug in new version of Indy in TIdSMTP - by johnmay - 05-07-2018, 08:40 PM

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