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TidHTTPServer and Orphaned Connection Threads
Thanks Remy for responding.

I just threw that example of the structure together and didn't add in any of the "var" declarations. They are locally declared to OnCommandGet and not shared across connections/threads. (I'll edit the original to make that clear)

As for the XML object, my understanding is it doesn't need to be released as it's type IXMLDocument. Everything I've seen online about using it suggests it will get freed when it goes out of scope. I figured the most I could do is set Active to false which should be triggered via it's try-finally before the CoInit/CoUnInit are. Are you saying I should be setting XMLDoc := nil; after XMLDoc.Active := False?

With those pieces perhaps cleared out. I'm curious why you suggest using the scheduler. Is it simply better practice or do you believe it is related to my reported issue(s).

And yes, my next step was to upgrade Indy, though I'm cautious as I can't find a changelog and have a lot of applications that use indy and have left it as a last result hoping there aren't any significant functional changes that may force me to recompile. As I looked through the blog and repository, I couldn't see anything in the entries or bug list that suggested anything like my problem was fixed... and I suspect a lot doesn't get recorded there... is there not a itemized changelog somewhere?

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RE: TidHTTPServer and Orphaned Connection Threads - by takyon_dg - 06-30-2019, 10:38 PM

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