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Set column width in IWjQDBGrid

I'm having problems with the IWjQDBGrid. I want to set the column widths to absolute values but they keep changing depending on the width of the control.

I set the alignment of the control to alTop.
I'w set the width property of all my Columns to desired width.
I uncheck the Options.goAutoColumnWidth option.

When i then show the form all column widths are adjusted so they all fit in the grid without showing any vertical scrollbar.

I now can manually change tho column widths and if needed the vertical scrollbar appeares (nice feature).

I also cant fins any way to set the column widths programatically!? 
The option IWjQDBGrid.Columns[x].Width is not available!?

Best regards, Mikael

Messages In This Thread
Set column width in IWjQDBGrid - by Lenfors - 01-18-2022, 10:53 AM
RE: Set column width in IWjQDBGrid - by Lenfors - 01-25-2022, 12:58 PM

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