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IWDBGrid - (RefreshAsyncRender, DoRefreshControl)
If you are forcing a component to re-render in Async, like an IWGrid, please use the OnFindParentId event of the IWTemplateProcessorHTML component.

This is an example code of how it should be:

procedure TIWForm1.IWTemplateProcessorHTML1FindParentId(
  Sender: TIWTemplateProcessorHTML; AContainerContext: TIWContainerContext;
  const AComponent: TComponent; out AParentId: string);
  if AComponent = MyIWGrid then
    AParentId := 'some_div';

In this event you specify where the IWGrid should be inserted, i.e. what is the HTML element that should be the grid's immediate parent. You just need to provide a DOM Id of the HTML element (it doesn't even need to exist in your IntraWeb form)

Please let me know if ti works

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RE: IWDBGrid - (RefreshAsyncRender, DoRefreshControl) - by Alexandre Machado - 04-10-2023, 04:44 AM

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