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After change to http.sys, errors on production servers after a few days of operation
Hi Alexandre and thanks for your feedback!

For your question on 1: Yes, it is when we set the Enabled property on the menu items after login to our system (based on e.g. user access level). After I added better error handling and logging for this, I could see that it seems like if you get this for one menu item in a particular (typically newly created) session, you will get it for the rest of the menu items we do this for as well. But then it is still possible that you can have a login from another (newer) session without this error.

As for 2, we have minimized its usage to when it is really needed, so I doubt that it is the actual source of the issues. Also, an important note is that the usage is not from within the web applications, but lies in a separate service. And this service was not modified as part of the http.sys upgrade we made. Still, I went to the code in this service (for which I did add some extra error handling and logging earlier when these problems first came), and I see that it is using TStSpawnApplication (from the old SysTools library).

As I said, I suspect 1-5 are symptoms rather than causes for the problems.

I could also mention that we besides the web applications also updated a couple of services with APIs powered by RemObjects, by changing their server components from Indy/OpenSSL-based to Windows-based (so that they also use http.sys). But I doubt that they are the source of the problems, I have made simulations in our test environment where I have stressed the APIs much harder than in the real production environment (with https calls, using the same kind of setup with regards to SSL certificate, ciphers etc.), without getting any issues. It is harder to simulate the actual usage over time done by real users of the web applications in the production environment.

So still, what stands out with this software upgrade we made is the changes to the web applications with Indy/OpenSSL replaced by http.sys. As part of this we migrated IW to version 15.2.49 (We also had the CGDevTools package upgraded to a matching version, but this is not used in our main web application).

Messages In This Thread
RE: After change to http.sys, errors on production servers after a few days of operation - by magosk - 01-04-2023, 04:39 PM

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