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EInvalidAppID exception raises EConvertError - Printable Version

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EInvalidAppID exception raises EConvertError - JuergenS - 02-24-2019


C++Builder Rio 10.3.1

EInvalidAppID exception raises EConvertError now!

Debugger event log:

Erste Gelegenheit für Exception bei $754C18A2. Exception-Klasse EConvertError mit Meldung 'Format 'Session ID         : %s' ungültig oder nicht kompatibel mit Argument'. Prozess MyApplication.exe (9320)
"First chance exception at $754C18A2. Exception class EConvertError with message 'Format 'Session ID         : %s' invalid or not compatible with argument'. process MyApplication.exe (9320)"

Exception logfile:

Exception message  : Session ID is invalid.
Exception class    : EInvalidAppID
Exception address  : 009E9E77
Exception Time     : 2019-02-24 11:17:36.118
Application Name   : MyApplication.exe
Application Version:
Started at         : 2019-02-24 11:14:33.103
Running for        :  3 minutes 3 seconds
Computer Name      : MyComputer
Compiler Version   : 330
IntraWeb Version   : 15.0.18
Multi-session      : False
Content Path       : MyPath
Session count      : 0
Error getting Request information: Format 'Session ID         : %s' ungültig oder nicht kompatibel mit Argument
[Stack trace is empty]

Debugger call stack:

:754c18a2 KERNELBASE.RaiseException + 0x62
:00765F8E System::Sysutils::ConvertErrorFmt(ResString=????, Args=????, ...)
:0076926D System::Sysutils::FormatBuf(Buffer=????, BufLen=????, Format=????, FmtLen=23, Args=:0791F5B8, AFormatSettings={ { ???? }, '\0', '\0', '\0', L'', L'ޑ', { ???? }, { NULL }, { ???? }, { u"Session ID         : %s" }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { { { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? } } }, { { { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { u"[Stack trace is empty]" } } }, { { { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? } } }, ... }, Result=????)
:00769405 System::Sysutils::FmtStr(Result=????, Format=????, Args=:0791F5B8, AFormatSettings={ { ???? }, '\0', '\0', '\0', L'', L'ޑ', { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { { { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? } } }, { { { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL } } }, { { { ???? }, { ???? }, { u"Session ID         : %s" }, { NULL }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? } } }, ... }, Len=9751543)
:0076937F System::Sysutils::Format(Format=????, Args=????, AFormatSettings={ { ???? }, 'X', 'F', L'̒', L'䙘', L'̒', { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { { { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL } } }, { { { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { u"Session ID         : %s" }, { NULL }, { ???? } } }, { { { ???? }, { ???? }, { NULL }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? }, { ???? } } }, ... }, Result=????)
:00769364 System::Sysutils::Format(Format=????, Args=????, Result=????)
:0094d328 ; GetRequestInfo
:0094d5d8 ; CreateReport
:0094da36 ; LogException
:00967247 Iwservercontrollerbase::TIWServerControllerBase:Big GrinoLogException + 0x1F
:009671d0 Iwservercontrollerbase::TIWServerControllerBase:Big GrinoException(Iwapplication::TIWApplication *,System::Sysutils::Exception *,Iw::Http::Request::THttpRequest *) + 0x20
:009ea297 Iwserversession::_16444 + 0x1F
:009d883e ; Execute
:009e596c Iwserversession::HttpExecute + 0x2C
:00a291aa ; DoCommandGet
:00922e46 ; DoExecute
:0090f476 Incontext::TInContext::Run + 0x12
:0080833C System::Classes::ThreadProc(Thread=:030A25D0)
:0074B9B2 System::ThreadWrapper(Parameter=????)
:74b78484 KERNEL32.BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x24
:770d41c8 ntdll.RtlAreBitsSet + 0x88

The exception will be raised when the session has been closed.

Best regards

RE: EInvalidAppID exception raises EConvertError - kudzu - 02-24-2019

Odd.. Ive alerted Alexandre.